Schedule, Arrival, Dismissal and Half Day Procedures
official school hours 8:10am-2:30pm
Arrival Time Information:
All students enter through the entrance located in the big yard on Park Ave.
The school opens at 7:45 am for breakfast, grades K-8.
3K and PreK breakfast starts at 8:00 in the classroom, they will enter via the 108th street doors, parents are able to bring students directly to the class at 8:00.
Breakfast (K-8) is served between 7:45 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. ONLY. We ask that parents not enter into the cafeteria with their child during breakfast time.
The cafeteria entrance door will close promptly at 8:10. If you arrive after the door has closed you will enter at the main entrance on Madison Ave, your kids will be considered late.
Dismissal Information
3K 2:20
Dismiss from their classrooms. Families will use the 108th street doors to pick up their children from the classroom at 2:20
PreK 2:20
Dismiss from their classrooms. Families will use the 108th street doors to pick up their children from the classroom at 2:20
Kindergarten 2:30
Parents will enter through the main entrance and pick up their child in the auditorium.
Grades 1-4 2:30
Dismiss into the big yard on Park Ave.
Grades 5-8 2:30
Dismiss through the small yard on 109th Street
inclement weather dismissal
Grades 1-3
Dismiss from the cafeteria from their assigned tables.
Families will pick up via the double doors by the cafeteria between 108th and 109th Street
Grades 4-8
Dismiss from their regular dismissal areas.
half day schedule
School will begin at 8:10 am and ends at 11:30 am:
11:15 am - 3K, Pre-K, K and 1st Grade dismiss from their regular dismissal area
11:30 am - Grades 2nd-8th Grades dismiss from their regular dismissal area