Curriculum overview
Students at PS/MS 108 engage in collaborative team work exploring complex ideas in all content areas, using the following curricula as frameworks for instruction:
English Language Arts: Department of Early Childhood Education Units (PreK), iReady (K-5), Expeditionary Learning (3-8), Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, & Reading Simplified (AIS) intervention.
Mathematics: Building Blocks (PreK), iReady Math (K-8), Engage NY (K-8)
Social Studies: Passport to Social Studies (K-8)
Science: Amplify Science (6-8)
Curriculum programs are supplemented with additional resources - including differentiated materials, cooperative learning activities, special projects, experiential learning and field trips - to enrich students’ experiences as learners.
We strive to meet the unique needs of all students through a thoughtful balance of rigorous academic instruction and social-emotional learning, as well as enrichment experiences in physical education, technology and the arts.