

In order for all our scholar’s to achieve to their highest potential, we hold these expectations:

SOA Students will:

  • come to school each day on time wearing their SOA uniform;

  • complete all of their schoolwork all of the time;

  • follow directions from any SOA adults respectfully and immediately;

  • ask questions when they do not understand something;

  • conduct themselves in a way that makes them, their family, and their community proud;

  • help when they see that help is needed; and

  • set goals and work to achieve them

SOA Parents/Guardian will:

  • ensure that SOA students arrive at school each day on time wearing the SOA dress code

  • check that students have completed their schoolwork each day

  • remain updated on the academic progress throughout the year

  • talk to their children often about their goals and help them to achieve them

EPA Faculty will:

  • Come to school each day prepared to engage our SOA students in engaging lessons

  • Keep parents informed about their child’s academic and social progress;

  • Act as a role model for our youngsters (by being on time, prepared at all times. and always actively listening/learning about the needs of the SOA student)

  • Create units and lessons that are engaging and help prepare them for high school, college and beyond to make sure that each scholar is successful.

By holding each other and ourselves to these expectations, and by always putting the needs of our children first, we will ensure that all of our children grow academically, socially, and emotionally, graduating prepared for college to become great leaders and active citizens of our community.


The SOA’s curriculum is designed to strengthen basic skills while developing critical thinking and a connection to the wider world. Homework plays a vital role in this progress.

The purpose of homework is:

  1. To reinforce and extend skills introduced during class that requires more time to attain mastery than the school hours provide.

  2. To provide different avenues for experiencing and understanding that material presented in class.

  3. To help SOA students express themselves and act in a responsible manner.

  4. To make a connection between the home and school by providing an opportunity for SOA students to share their work at home.


You need a 65% to pass a class. You should always have a good sense of what your grade is. Try asking yourself these questions (be honest):

  • Have I done all my homework and projects?

  • Have I turned in all my work?

  • Am I participating in class?

If you’re not sure, ask your teacher what your grade is. If you’re not passing, ask that teacher what you can do to raise your grade. Progress reports are also sent home every four weeks to keep you informed on how you are doing in every class. The grading policy has been broken down in the following manner:

  • 10% Homework

  • 30% Classwork/Participation

  • 30% Projects/Essays

  • 30% Assessments


The specifics of exiting the building during a fire drill will be explained to scholars by their teachers.


We ask that you do not bring these items to areas that are not designated for them. They attract pests such as mice and rats, and they distract from classroom learning time. If the temperature is over 80º F then you may bring a water bottle with you to school. Students are not allowed to chew gum.


Nurse: The school nurse is available for conference with parents/guardians, teacher, and physicians to ensure the health and safety of each student. For a student to be treated by the school nurse, he/she must fill out the Mt. Sinai medical forms. Every child receives the Mt. Sinai medical form in their Orientation Packet in the beginning of the school year.

Medical Office: The school medical office is used for emergencies and student healthcare. Any student who is too ill to attend classed will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian.

Medications: All medication intended for students shall be kept in the school’s medical office. Short-term prescription medication will be administered only in accordance with the instructions on the prescription container and must be accompanied by a written request from the parent/guardian. Long-term medications to be given all year or for emergency situations, or for chronic situations such as asthma, must have written authorization from both the physician and parent/guardian.

Parents/guardians are to bring the medications to the school nurse and pick up any unused medication at the end of the year.

Medications not picked up at the end of the year by the parent/guardian will be destroyed.

The administration of nonprescription medication is permitted only on a very limited temporary basis and with written parent/guardian permission only. The nurse will contact the physician should a question arise regarding any prescription or nonprescription medication/product.